Thursday, September 29, 2016

Da Stem Cell Burga?

Mikey and Canon get on their soap box, thats less soapy and more open-mindedy about Vegans, Vegetarians, and Meatitarians. Cells can be grown in a petri dish...we all know that....but this means you can make a muscle in one...which means you can grow cows. Petri COWS!!! Today they discuss if they would or wouldn't as well as the sustainability of our current way of life. Be sure to learn more about this show and others on our network by going to ( Oh and did you know, this show is sponsored by Raleighwood Cinemas. They have a great stand up comedy show coming up Thurs October 20th. We will be there, and so should you! Get tickets for $8 now, or $10 at the door. Come hang and get drunk while laughing. Head to ( to get tickets, and we shall see ya there! HEY HEY we appreciate you

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

John Titor, Lefty Looser

Time traveler? He's been here? Is he legit? Weeeeell, heres the thing. Maybe it was a hoax. You be the judge. Listen and hear two different theories on the logistics of time travel, two podcaster hosts enter, one leaves correct! Be sure to head over to our website ( to find out more about the show. While we have you over there, scroll to the bottom and subscribe to our newsletter, and then recommend some science or tech articles you'd like us to talk about. HEY HEY, we appreciate you!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Designer Humans, its all the rage!

Would you cut off a limb and replace it with a better, faster, stronger version? Would such an upgrade make you less of a human? Where is the line drawn between self modification and tampering with what it means to be? Lets find out on todays episode, which is sent out to Jon Nolin, he subscribed to our newsletter over at AND if you would like to be shat out...shouted out...if you would like to be given a shout out, you should do so as well by scrolling to the bottom of the page and hitting subscribe to our newsletter.

Monday, September 19, 2016

A pock o' Lips

No the end of the world is not neigh, but that doesn't stop basically every one from up with a prediction. So today we get all doomsday as we discuss the end. Todays episode is promoted by an awesome artist called Niikosi as mentioned up top. Be sure to head over to his instagram and follow! AND as always be sure to learn more about this show and others by going to

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

E.T. iPhone home...7?

We are all slaves the Apple, its been accepted, but whats in store for the new iPhone 7? Yes yes, we know the earbuds and headphones jack thing, but what else is up their sleeve? Hang out with Mikey and Canon on todays ATP nostalgically wax the...nostalgically while they go down smart phone memory lane. To learn more about this show, and others on the Network, including our new shows coming up head over to:

Monday, September 12, 2016

Space your X-ta-see out, boy!

We talk about the Space-X explosion and what may (or may not) have caused it. 'Twas it aliens, dog? Find out while we also remember those sweet 90's toys from Jurassic Park, ID4, and Starship Troopers all on today ATP. Also, be sure to check out our other shows on the Network, as well as more details about this one and more at:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

This doesn't SETI right w/ us

Signals from space people! Its time to pack up your things and call your mothers, because the end may be near. Or it may be nothing. We get to the bottom of it and tell you all the things you never knew you never needed to know on today ALL THINGS POPPED w/ guest host Jon Skinner from Netted Flicks while Mikey is out due to his ongoing war with the darkness that has been summoned from his basement a few days ago. Hopefully that all gets sorted out, but in the meantime enjoy this show and other on our network by heading over to our website and subscribing to our slew of shows at:

Monday, September 5, 2016

We have Uber issues w/ Driverless cars

Who is the "they" in taking our jobs, when we may have been simply the placeholders for Robits all along. This episode we talk about the new initiative Uber is working towards to roll out self driving cars. Would you hop in for the ride, or would you John Connor it and see to their destruction? Hear us weigh in and send us your thoughts to our newsletter when you sign up at: